by Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at OU
- Seems like a traditional behavourism-based summary of how to build a sylabus
- Goals: Larger aims of the course.
- Objectives: A map of the actions the instructor takes to achieve the Goals.
- Outcomes: What the learners actually produce as a result of the instruction Objectives.
- Used to assess the student’s learning so Outcomes must be measurable and observable.
- Goals, Objectives and Outcomes become progressively more concrete.
- Wording matters
- Outcomes should describe the students will be able to do using:
- Action verbs
- the Content involved
- the Context in which they will be using the Content
- These translate to the following in a learning outcome
- Action Word (performance)
- Learning Statement (the learning content)
- Criterion (condition)
- Bad action verbs: Learn, Know, Understand
- Visualizing the action words should lead you to the action verbs that will produce a measurable, observable learning outcome.
- Bloom’s Hierarchy of learning organizes action verbs by the level of learning (beginner -> expert)