
Sessions - InceptionU Cohort 11

Nov 6 - CSS Grid


Beginner Activities

Using CSS Grid, build one or both of the following:

An empty Tic-Tac-Toe grid: Tic Tac Toe Board


Chess board: Chess Board



Starter Code

Full Page Layout


Starter Code

Overlapping Items


Oct 25 - Asynchronous Fetching


Review and Extend: Loops and Arrays of Objects

Activity: Fix the Loop

The loop in the above sample code is broken!

  1. Refactor the following code so that it works with an array of objects.
  2. Add custom alt attributes that use the title property.

HTTP Basics

Slides: HTTP Protocol

The Event Loop

Fetching Data with async/await

Slides: HTTP Protocol


Oct 23 - Javascript Loops



Slides: Javascript Loops

Activity: FizzBuzz

FizzBuzz is the classic interview question.

Starter Code


Starter Code


  1. Copy the starter code into your work space.
  2. Using the instructions in the comments of app.js, use a for...of loop to create a gallery of Lorem Picsum images.

Oct 18 - Horizontal Navigation with Flexbox


Learning Games

Sample Code

Misc Articles



Slides: Flexbox Navigation


Follow the steps and sample code provided in today’s slides:

  1. Make a vertical nav menu
  2. Horizontal navigation with Flexbox

Oct 10 - Introduction to HTML and CSS

1. Visual hierarchy

2. Introduction to HTML


Activity: Wikipedia Markup**

  1. Pick a hobby or interest that you could build a webpage around;
  2. Find open source content on Wikipedia that contains examples of:
    • Headings (<h1>-<h6>)
    • Paragraphs (<p>)
    • Links (<a>)
    • Bold (<strong>) and italicized (<em>) text
    • Bullet (<ul> and <li>) and/or numbered (<ol> and <li>)lists
  3. Create an index.html file in your workspace
    • Pro-tip: type ! and then the Tab key inside an empty .html file to create an empty page!
  4. Copy and paste the Wikipedia content inside a <main> container inside the <body> element of your .html page;
  5. Wrap the text in the appropriate html element (see above).

3. Introduction to CSS

Slides: CSS Introduction


Activity: Box Model Styles

Play around and experiment with different box model properties and HTML elements.

4. Web Typography

Web typography


Activity: Styling Text

Continue with the wikipedia text and customize your text and font styles:

Don’t forget to push your code to a public GitHub repo to keep up your green!

Oct 5 - Git, GitHub and the Command Line

Important: Create a GitHub account (professional username, plz) and Ping your username to Grimes in Basecamp.

1. Files, Directories and the command line

2. Git and Github

Oct 3 - Dev Life and Searching like a nerd